With the continuous changes in structure and functions of all systems of body, one is expected to suffer from some discomfort during pregnancy. 

We have enumerated a few common ones with their easy remedies. 

MORNING SICKNESS: Usually the first discomfort to be experienced and highly publicised as THE symptom of pregnancy. Usually begins at  6weeks and lasts till completion of 3 months. There is nausea, vomiting, bitterness in mouth, altered taste.

Incidence, symptoms and severity varies from person to Person.


  • Increase intake of sweet food
  • Avoid  spicy, oily, sour food
  • Small frequent meals rather than a full meal.
  • Dry food items retained better( prefer  roti,Bread, Bhakari, Biscuites over Dal-rice or curd-rice
  • Plenty of Glucose powder consumed dry.
  • B-Complex supplements
  • If very severe doctor may prescribe some medicines.



Is it transient or persistent?
Any pain that is persistent and not relieved by food, bowel movement or change of posture; needs to be brought to the notice of your doctor.

Upper part of tummy or lower part?
Be more serious about the pain below the naval.

Pain in the centre or on sides?

pain in the centre of tummy needs more attention                              

Accompaying symptom
Any other complaint with pain may point to more seriousness.                                                                     

What are Round ligament pains?
Dull aching pains or sometimes shooting along the groin-folds. Because of stretching of ligaments attached to the growing uterus. Maybe disturbing but not of serious consequence. It can be relieved by rest, analgesic ointments and application of cold fomentation. 



  • Unbearable pain
  • Persistent pain
  • bleeding
  • breaking of waters( leaking)
  • Pulling down sensation in pelvis and lower tummy
  • Disturbances in urination or bowels

DISCHARGE FROM VAGINA: Vaginal secretions increase during pregnancy and it is not unusual to get more discharge. Report to your doctor if the discharge is foul smelling, leaves coloured stains on undergarments or associated with burning or itching. It may indicate infection. A gush of watery discharge especially in second half of pregnancy may indicate leaking from bag of waters rush immediately to your doctor.

SWELLING OF THE FEET : Always report to your doctor. It may not be always pathological but can sometimes be associated with high blood pressure.


  • Leg elevation, take a pillow under your feet while lying down
  • Don’t keep legs dangling down while sitting
  • Avoid standing for long time or walking long distance at a stretch.
  • Cut down extra salt in diet---avoid salty things like Papad, Pickles, Chutney, Wafers, Salted nuts etc.

LOW BACKACHE: Very common discomfort due to changed posture and get.


  • Try to maintain the backbone upright. There is a tendency for Spine to bend forwards.
  • Take a proper support to the entire back while sitting.
  • Avoid dropping the shoulders while at desk.
  • Adjust height of table-chair for writing and level of computer
  • Screen(at eye-level)
  • Do not wear High heel footware.
  • Do not bend
  • Do not rise on toes
  • Preferably avoid lying on your back and rather lie down on sides
  • Take support of a pillow for the leg which is not in contact with bed
  • Massage with any pain-killer ointment gives temporary relief